Could a Conservatory Be Considered a Garden Purpose?

By |2021-05-21T12:34:13+00:00February 27, 2009|Ask Our Experts|

No, it would almost certainly not be ok to build a conservatory on land that a covenant reserves for gardening.But that doesn't necessarily mean that your mother may not be able to have her conservatory. Covenant Law – A True Minefield The first thing to point out here is that [...]

What is the Building Distance from a Road?

By |2021-05-21T12:34:13+00:00January 20, 2009|Ask Our Experts|

This question had us scrabbling back to the new planning regulations that came into force in England and Wales in October 2008. Outbuilding Planning Regulations Our gut feeling was that the regulations are intended to apply to the most forward part of the building, which is usually the house, but [...]

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